Samstag, 10. Juli 2004
merda... to sem fto d ricardo e eu juntooos =[
eh q qdo algm me passa, a fto tem kbites demais, e soh dah ateh 400 kbites... merda... =[
mas oh, soh p lembrar: TE AMO! =] demais...

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kaueca mozao te amo amo te!!!

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lara e camila.

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ralf hold on! =]

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Sonntag, 4. Juli 2004
I'm all about loving you
Faded memories of me
and you
Mistakes you know I've made a few
I took some shots and fell from time to time
Baby, you were there to pull me through
We've been around the block a time or two
I'm gonna lay it on the line
Ask me how we've come this far
The answer's written in my eyes

Every time I look at you, baby, I see something new
That takes me higher than before and makes me want you more
I don't wanna sleep tonight, dreamin's just a waste of time
When I look at what my life's been comin' to
I'm all about lovin' you

I've lived, I've loved, I've lost, I've paid some dues, baby
We've been to hell and back again
Through it all you're always my best friend
For all the words I didn't say and all the things I didn't do
Tonight I'm gonna find a way

You can take this world away
You're everything I am
Just read the lines upon my face
I'm all about lovin' you

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Samstag, 3. Juli 2004

haha arrasamos no jogo d mimik!!! ganhamos TDS as vzs dos meninos!!! we rule! =P

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nham nham let's eat our great american breakfast!!! tinha mta coisa boa... tah, 60 ovos e umas 50 pankekas!!! coisa boa! =D

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chris eu amo voce menina!!!

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hhaha te amo cah

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eric na ksa da kau domingu! =]

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te amo d+... =] soh vc msm...

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hahaha mt legal essa fto!!! te amo kau!!!

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pink e minha irma...
kd o cerebro?

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hahaha cama elahstik dxa as pssoas babaks!!! hhahah te amo chriiiis!!!!

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mister schneider

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argh herr felbinger... hahaha eh melhor eu dizer NDA.

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carol kau e eu... boa viagem meninas!!! voltem logo! =]

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ai ai ai essas meninas sao hilahrias!!!! hahaha mt engracado na cama elahstik da escola... =p

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kau e eu... kau e cookie vao viajah...=[ vou sentir saudad meninas...amu vcs

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geral papandu seguna feira na escola... nosso breakfast bem-sucedido =p hahaha

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n tenhu q dizer mto, certo? =] amo vcs!!! =]]] ! pronto. ! =)
=[ :'(

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Sonntag, 27. Juni 2004

mua ha ha ha ha q duh essa fto...

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hahaha meu primo mtooo fofo!!! =D

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bibi, duda, kau AMO VCS MENINAS!!!
suas lindasss =]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

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os paraibas no shopping d paraiba! =P
AMU VOCES MUUUUIIIITOOOO!!! mt foda esse dia!!!
brigada por tudo tiago!!! brigada mesmo!!! =]]]]]]]

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camila e varela!
lindos!!! papi q tirou essa fto! haha
amo vcs!!!

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ricardo e eu =]
sou a pessoa mais feliz do mundo!
te amo, simplesmente te amo!=]

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Donnerstag, 22. April 2004
Es ist schwer so etwas unperfektes wie einem Menschen zu vertrauen...
Und dann noch blind um die gegend nach einer person zu irren, ohne zu wissen, was sie für dich empfindet...
Worte können lügen,
Genauso wie Menschen.
Und man kann nie wissen, bis zu welchem Punkt manche von uns gehen...

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Mittwoch, 21. April 2004

*love is in the air*

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Wenn ich...
... sage, ich liebe dich,
dann meine ich es auch.

Wenn ich flüstere,
und mich an dich kuschel,
dann glaube mir, ich brauche dich.

Jedes Mal, wenn ich nach außen schaue,
und die graue Welt sehe,
denke ich an dich
Und es fällt mir viel leichter, sie zu überleben

Unglaublich, was Liebe einem Menschen antun kann...

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Samstag, 17. April 2004

so cool! =D

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Sonntag, 11. April 2004
Waren sooo gut!!! *lol*
Ok, vielleicht doch nicht so ganz... Aber, immer POSITIV denken! *ggg*
Naja, und heute jetzt mal etwas lesen und ausruhen...
Um morgen fit zu sein, um alles wieder auszustehen... ai ai
Na ja, an allen noch ein schönen Sonntag!

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Mittwoch, 7. April 2004

eu e nena!!! *lol*

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Dear Amy, see you in september
Hope that you'll remember me next year...

Cuz I'm looking through the yearbook
And I find an empty space
There's a name without a picture
but I can't forget his face...

So tell me where did he go, I wanna know
Where did Johnny go?
There's a lieing in your silence, so tell me where did Johnny go?

Die Leute sind plötzlich weg, aber ich kann sie nicht vergessen, obwohl ich sie nicht vermissen kann...

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Dienstag, 6. April 2004
pissed off
i was... cuz now it's only about a week till the end of it all...

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